From Carrier to Clerk, I spoke to Postal Customers at 1-800-ask-USPS and watched 5 min clips of Congress presenting the current chaos within the USPS, worse than covid Christmas.  USPS does not List Compromised Zip Codes on the site nor updates Delivery Service issues SO Get Your POSTAL NEWS on YOUTUBE.  (A DeJoy Mole deleted MY Channel featuring  Congress videos and google deleted my channel).  Please call (562)804-5625 if you were a NB staffer bonused after donating to Trump in 2016!  To view PMG DeJoy's old website NewBreed(com), view it on where he boasts building base for Bombardier and supply boEing 787 with hardware.    Read the Los Angeles Times were counterfeit nuts and bolts were found at (only ONE?) USPS facility:   

Click: Counterfeit Nuts & Bolts found at ONE facility

State of the USPS on facebook

twitter/X posts about Louis DeJoy

Postal Breaches: Criminals have copies of keys to apt and condo complexes (matches mailboxes), old residents still see informed delivery, etc.

BELOW:  Weichert (digital payment guru) and Steve Mnuchin (banker) brought in by Trump in 2018 to change OPM, OMB and USPS

Click here for LINK shortcut one of 10+ petitions to Unemploy DeJoy before he leaves with a hefty retirement. He never answered the Straw Donor question re: Staffers (only executives who obviously give on their own!)

<--- What IS DeJoy's "legal" m.o. where corporations bonus employees for donating to preferred political party? 
Click below or google the PMG's corp "LDJ Global Strategies" in the April 2020 White House Press Release.

Click here: Trump's CEO List from banks, mfg, transport, banks, NBA, PGA White House Press Release April 2020


Alert!  Happening All OVer the US, recently Bressi Ranch in Carlsbad, CA

Criminals competing for YOUR mailbox contents with the same key that opens the security door and gate! 

Thugs have "keys to the city!"  If you search "carrier robbed" and "master key stolen" on youtube, you will see the increase in physical attacks since the report came out (google USPS OIG KEY Aug 2020 ).  Thugs read there is no master key control plan in place the same month postal police were taken off of street patrol.  <---  How is THAT Common Sense?

This is a self-research support center.  Click a link and delve in!  Google Louis DeJoy and:  Felon Michael Cohen * Felon Elliott Broidy  +  DeJoy Wos Bush Estonia 2005  *  DeJoy and Dimon (Jamie of JP Morgan) *  Dominick VS Louis DeJoy  *  LDJ Global Strategies and Trump April 2020  *  Steven Mnuchin and Elizabeth Warren *  DeJoy's old NewBreedcom and Boeing 787 fasteners * NewBreed and Bombardier  * DeJoy and Brenda Lawrence *  Brenda Lawrence and Margaret Weichert  *  Google DeJoy and anyone with an FBI probe (wife Aldona Wos) * Louis DeJoy and Institute of World Politics * sidenote: all blog posts and brainstorms are this color. Alerts are in red.  Underlined black are links to click.


Below you will hear regurgitated facts and an exerpt from brother Dominick DeJoy's book referencing the banking term "Glass Steagall."  Louis DeJoy (LDJ) is using USPS to streamline the Supply Chain route for his LDJ Global Strategies. ALERT: USPS should have List of Compromised Zip Codes on USPS homepage!

POSTAL PODCAST (above): Click the arrow to hear PMG LDJ.. Click below for USPS OIG Key Report Aug 2020 (changed July 2023)

Who put Digital Payment Guru MARGARET WEICHERT up to presenting USPS as a Business INSTEAD of not-for-profit or utility service?

Please leave your TiPS at (562) 804-5625 

DeJoys International Presence Began Decades Ago. Look up DeJoy, wife Aldona Wos and Bush 2005 in Estonia, the Model Digital Country, voting online since 2015 (the year engineers at USPS looked into block chain).

"You heard it here first.  USPS is Truly a Shit Show!  Worse than covid Christmas!  I repeat:  FIRE LOUIS DEJOY!"  - KaRi  1-800-ask-USPS Agent with a birdseye view across America.
Below, ask yourself "How can one man, Louis DeJoy OUTLAW Public Comments in 2024 after Board Meetings?!"  HOW did that happen?  Please tell Mark Pocan that Biden can temporary SUSPEND the Board and have an
Emergency Board FIRE POSTMASTER LOUIS DEJOY, yes?  (Retired Reps Brenda Lawrence, Stephen Lynch, etc..

Yes, this website sucks!  That is why you, or anyone else that may be bored, unemployed, topicless but wanting to learn a new skill are

INVITED to use the info contained within to create your OWN website!   Post it to and I'll link it here, too!

Wix dot com is FREE, btw.  Somehow I made a one-page place holder on one of my url's  <-- I'd like to IMPEACH THE PRES of Instutute of World Politics, Mrs. DeJoy, Aldona Wos!  My Grandmother's records were burned during 

the Holocaust, does that make ME a soft power?!  (Mrs. Wos MOVED troops for Bush in 2005, the year you see her pictured with Louis in Estonia and soon after Bush REQUIRES USPS to pre-pay for benefits for employees nor hired or BORN yet?!

The World Must Think We Are A Laughing Stock because anyone who can do simple math can surely grasp that sending NV to NV mail to CA and back (below, Senator Rosen) doesn't make sense!  UNLESS you are Louis DeJoy of LDJ Global Strategies using USPS to streamline to supply chain route, connecting it to (his) trucks and trains and planes.

Listen to previous USPS Board of Governor member S. David Fineman  (Hello, Mr. Fineman!  Welcome to "DeJoy's Dossier!"

What a Concept:  "USPS should inherit HYBRIDS from Existing Corporate Fleets.  WHY?  To get the corp a tax write off; incentive to go 100% electric quicker; so our carriers don't freeze when the electric batteries do; to $ave $o much $$$ that the $avings$ can be used to supply carriers with water, sunscreen and bullet proof vests."  -  KaRi nUSPS, Postal Employee with many no cost or low cost ieas to Save USPS

Small Fine Print:  Anything posted or shared is FYI and to improve the post office.  The First Class US Stamp currently is still the best deal in Ameria. "The internet to me is like a canvas - I can go anywhere I'd like, just by jumping in like Mary Poppins" is how I describe being a Google Girl.  (Here, I googled DeJoy and IWP and once I landed on the DeJoy/Wos scholarship, well just reading the subjects and seeing something anti-President, I ask myself, "Am I feeding the machine to stay fed myself PLUS feeding into a war I am unaware of?"  ...  Re:  ESTONIA, with Lack of Gov't (Parliament) Rule over Business seems to be Country of Preference and we know/saw my boss' boss' boss - Louis DeJoyput A Name Caller - THE Name Caller - in the position of the PRESIDENT of the United States of America (Along with Michael Cohen and Elliott Broidy.  FASCINATING stuff - Documentarians, have at it!)  TiPS (562)804-5625 ).  .   K.M.Nielsen a.k.a. KaRi


Unbelievable stories you can confirm yourself about mail theft across our nation! Fire DeJoy for ignoring the Last Mile!

Click re: Louis DeJoy 2023 Politically Speaking

Click to hear that securing mailboxes will take years

Crazy is doing the same thing but expecting change ie. delivering to compromised mail receptacles, expecting items will be received!

You'd think DeJoy who gives scholarships on security could easily prevent theft in the PO (click)

Why DeJoy should never have been hired (click)

Dominick VS Louis DeJoy

No transparency. In addition to this, COMMUNITIES are supposed to be asked for feedback. (click)

Keywords DeJoy Wos Bush same year Prepayment of Benefits implemented; Estonia, the country voting online since 2005 accepts e-residents e-businesses

83 groups still waiting for Accountability

Why take deterrents off the street?  That coupled with the report how easy it is to get keys .. doesn't make sense, does it?


REWATCHING BELOW, IT MAKES SENSE THAT DeJOY WHO IS SCHOOLED IN ACCOUNTING DOES NOT KNOW THE PRICE OF WHAT HUMANS WOULD PAY TO USE USPS.  HE HAS ONLY BEEN CONCERNED FOR BUSINESS TO BUSINESS.. THIS AND OTHER VIDEOS AFFORD PMG LDJ THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE THE STATEMENT THUGS READ AUG 2020 in the USPS OIG Report, the Same Month Postal police Were Taken Off Street Patrol.  (That keys are easy to get and the blue collection boxes could never be 100% asccounted for due to fishing ie. belt affixed to sticky bait traps (I never wore gloves, ew!)

This website is an accompaniment or reference to reports I filed with the federal government while

off work April - July 2023.  Important information is contain herein that affects everyone who gets

mail in and sends mail to the United States.   Years ago I created a website of TiPS to share with friends and family 

but this is what my endeavor has become. If I'm missing something, let me know (562)804-5625 is my TiP hotline.




Tammy Whitcomb Hull (below)  let me answer some of your questions below:  1) postal police were taken off of street patrol, so we should add CRIME PREVENTION since no one is doing that  2)  THe POSTMASTER GENERAL is responsible and should be HELD ACCONTABLE for these keys:  LOUIS DEJOY!  3) You we so close to sharing the keys also open up SECURITY DOORS and gates with missing keyhole (3 min mark)  4)  Sooo close to suggesting to CHANGE KEY TO CODES!  5) life saving MEDICATIONS are sent and SUPPOSED to be received!   6)  No plan?  Speaking of plans, the orig DeliveringForAmericaDOTcom website promoted a 5 yr plan (signed by DeJoy's friend in 2015)  7)  Crime would be less if Postal Police were put back onto street patrol.  She also didn't mention the INCREASE in mail, package and IDENTITY theft since Louis DeJoy began in June 2020.

If you stumbled upon this website and wonder, "What the heck?", it will all make sense as you watch the videos throughout or read the captions. If you click a link below use <-- back arrow to come back here.  All of my research led to the secret plan implemented Aug 2020, same month postal police were taken off patrol:  Announcement to thugs on easy master key access and no control in place which thugs obviously read because these past few years, answering the calls at the USPS Customer Care Center now is like working at a mail, package and identification theft reporting agency.  If I retired I told people I would become a Mail Agent for the elderly and disabled and our Veterans, "picking up where the po left off", delivering The Last SMILE.  But who wants to handle ANYone's mail if they are going to experience identity theft down the line?  I love my current job (except for the sad content), team & boss and am a stellar agent with excellent attendance (April 2023).  We ALL need to ask ourselves WHY Louis DeJoy is still employed when MILLIONS want him gone.  Just look up "fire dejoy" on ANY social media.




Click here for StateoftheUSPS Facebook page

Click here for StateoftheUSPS podcast

Click here for StateoftheUSPS on Twitter

Disclaimer.  This click n drag website started on then I learned it is now hosted with AWS Amazon Web Solutions.  This leads me to the suggestion that anyone with an Amazing Amazon Account needing work (I think of them as Amazing and would LOVE to brainstorm with the Former Mrs. Bezos!) , visit AWS and Learn About THE CLOUD.  Once you hone your skills come back and advise me on How To Structure my brain on the web. (562)804-5625 Taking TiPS (info) on DeJoy's extensive global reach and changing US government into ESTONIA.  Prepping for the DeJoy Dynasty.  Where GOV'T is limited.  Start your research with Dominick VS Louis DeJoy.  We Have a Real Winner on Board!