This is in response to my denial of unemployment Claim. It states I left "voluntarily" and I did nothing
to improve my work environment. This is incorrect.
I retired Dec 31, 2024 for the multiple reasons
I will detail below.
I have yet to receive my first retirement check. OPM's recording as soon
as they open and all day is that they have a high amount of calls, call back later. Wondering if CEO of LDJ Global Strategies
(our Postmaster General Louis DeJoy) has the ability of nixing my retirement as I've heard it done before to others.
Just yesterday, I learned that Social Security is not guaranteed for any of us. (EDD, after DOGE plows through Federal
Government, you know State, County and City levels will be next. Be prepared! Also visit to
hear how Tulsi Gabbard, in charge of National Security described her boss before she started reporting to him:)
started with USPS as a Letter Carrier in Seal Beach, transferred to Long Beach as an Express Mail Carrier. At some point,
the AM/PM supervisor squabbled for 3 months about who should get maintenance to fix a blue collection box I wrestled with
and eventually had to leave to straighten out my back. (I was released to return to work for 6 months, begged USPS,
Union and my Congressmember to get me back in the next year and lo and behold my ONE email to a Mr. Harris (documentary:
Guns in America: After Newtown) via LinkedIn, asking for (previous Postmaster General) Megan Brennan's contact info as he
was the only interviewer I could find), my phone rang. It was the Los Angeles Office, offering me a job which landed
me at 1-800-ask-USPS a few months later. I was admonished for using LinkedIn, NON official with USPS.
Physical Work Environment: a) The Health Department has been called to the building since I started working there re:
vermins and precipitation falling from ceiling; rats and mice throughout (they ate my shawl that was in my drawere while out
on sick leave (creating while dealing with Moral Injury; see that section). After Covid hit, I found a "hands
free" open door solution (springier than the StepnPull0 which I submitted along with questions and a complaint to the
Federal REsponse Team to Covid (no response, that Biden-created website went away before he did). Since creating nUSPS
website I discovered "a" Los Angeles Building crashed down due to nuts and bolts but the LA Times article doesn't
mention WHICH South Central PO where 40 construction workers could have lost their lives or been injured.
Medical Environment: I stood up to answer phones 8-10 hours per day, that was great. However the above paragraph
probably describes why I had an ongoing cough while at the Call Center, after my seat was switched closest to the break room
and dripping ceiling. (SEE/READ note to primary doctor in Long Beach mentioning the cough while I documented I was T-boned
by a marine; I enclosed a picture of my bruised left side but didn't seek medical attention).
Moral Injury: I cried answering calls into 1-800-ask-USPS. Constantly posting ideas, recommendations, CORRECTIONS,
like One Simple Word. SOMEone changed the word "expected" to "scheduled" on our website for parcel
select lightweight packages which USPS had over a week to deliver. The scheduled date Customers saw was 5 days after
mailing so they and phone agents were wasting time on the phone because NOTHING is "scheduled" with USPS unless
it is a (guaranteed) Express Mail that was accepted by a clerk and you're given a receipt. It took three (3) whole years
for someone to listen to me (I think it was my A+ Supvr Tim who brought it up in a meeting. SEE/READ the List of Immediate
corrections and improvements that I (oops!) emailed to the Lead Change Agent "guru" Chuck. <-- I enclosed
my personal phone number in case he needed further explanation. No reply except discpline for emailing Chuck.
(I still don't understand that one!) .... SEE/READ the response from the NALC, National Association of Letter Carriers
re: all of my frustrations (I didn't recall at that time that master postal keys ALSO open up apt/condo/office buildings via
matching keyHOLE in the Call Directory Boxes!). I belong to two (2) Unions; never heard back from APWU, American Postal
Worker's Union in DC although Union 64 President in LA and NALC Pres Branch 1100 have spoken with me. (Back when I carried
Express and Louis DeJoy - not on board yet, ONLY as a contractor New Breed (under investigation since 2020 for overcharging
USPS, etc.) he awarded Jet Delivery the OVernight mail and USPS Express Carriers got paid 6 hours per day as PT Regulars to
deliver 0-3 pieces of mail. Previous Union Response when I complained about getting paid for doing nothing: That
is a MANAGEMENT Issue").
4. Technology: a) I worked 29 years at the
Post Office without having to expose my sensitive, private information (having NOTHING to do with my job) over the internet
at least 4x per day (In&out, also for lunch). Remote Employees were required to enter our Employee Identification
Number into some guy Todd McKinnon's APP that was hacked 2x in prior years! My SOLUTION was to move back to Long Beach
and report back to the (sick and possibly structurally dangerous Call Center so I wouldn't lose my job. (NOTE that my
cough went away after I avoided the building!). Turns out they changed it to ALL Employees were required to enter their
EIN. I voiced my complaint to coworkers and Supervisors and to the web. B) There is a video of the CEO of
Salesforce, a platform we use at USPS simply explaining how the Human Workforce is being replaced with Digital Labor.
EDD/Unemployment, remember the news reporting
that people were receiving CA EDD letters for strange names ALL at the same address? NO one ever suggested to call the
Post Office! Anyway the PO delivers mail "as addressed" unless the (regular) carrier knows they don't live
there. The problem is, most routes don't have a regular! ANYWAY this section is for you! Get A Raise! Submit
to your government dept (or any small business) to do an easy, immediate and free Fraudulent Payment Test: Run an Accounts
PAyable Report by the PAYEE's Zip+4. Those last numbers indicate the BUILDING (or Po Box) of delivery. If apts/units/suites
are involved, further delve because some mailing addresses share the same +4 ... These reports can be run for shipments, too
(in case you have a side biz).
My Solution to Not Being Heard Was to:
Write to my Unions as indicated above.
b. Declare myself a Whistleblower as I submitted the postal breaches (prior
residents still see their informed delivery emails on the address they no longer live at, including packages on their way,
ETC.) to Congress, Oversight, various government departments. (Coworkers described their harrassment for stirring the
pot ie. being tapped and followed by white vans, etc. so I thought I'd invite the questions by sharing PUBLICLY on social
media, website, podcast. I even have a public phone number (562)804-5625 which was my old radio hotline where I promoted
the Creative Community of The (562) plus our premiere Express Mail product (before DeJoy grounded "air mail" and
changed the scheduled delivery time til after the banks and businesses were closed. SEE/READ the pattern of disruption
and from what I see, using USPS to streamline the Supply Chain for LDJ Global Strategies and all of the CEO's Trump listed
alongside him April 2020. <-- Were those CEO's given the "straw donor" formula DeJoy used and deemed "legal"
although he never shared it with anyone? He only answered Congress about Executives, not old New Breed "STAFF"
who were pressured that one and only year to donate to T'rump's party and then BONUSED over that amount!
c. Contact
Media about Louis DeJoy bringing Politics into the Post Office. Previous USPS Board of Governor DAVID FINEMAN can be
seen on youtube telling Congress he did so and APWU's youtube page shows Congress member/retired Postal Worker Brenda Lawrence
stating so back in 2018 while discussing the Heritage Foundation's Plan. I pointed out that Louis DeJoy spoke at Institute
of World Politics March 14, 2023 where his wife is President. (See the Aldona Wos section on nUSPS; T'rump wanted her
in Canada his first term).
d. File A Worker's Comp Claim. I submitted it to my Supervisor, returned to work
and didn't hear a word until I asked. "Oh, you have to file Worker's Com Claims Online." <--- There
is no way to indicate you just want it on record (no pay; I used my own personal sick leave and was fine with that; I needed
to use it or lose it if nothing changed and I was going to exit stage left before the chaos that was to begin January 2025).
PLUS "Moral Injury" has never been an approved worker's comp "injury" in the past that I could find; it
took 3 months of research to peg what I was feeling; why I was crying. (My last call before taking time off was someone
from 90814 who mailed her outgoign payment from locked outgoing apt mail slot. I reported 90814, 90804 and 90803 as
compromised over a decade ago and learned from a clerk that a gang stole those keys 5 years prior. NOTHING done and this gal's
rent check was stolen, washed and her bank account left with little.
e. Call various people
recommended to me like Bernie Sanders and Ralph Nader. No reply.
f. Graffiti sidewalks in front
of Call Directory Boxes with master mail keyHOLE. In chalk so they could look up and see the vide othe the
crimianl couple gaining entry.
g. Knoweldge is Power: Street Teamed the last of my postcards
on the windshields of NALC Branch 1100 members cars after telling them THEY, their Customers, friends and family can
fix the post office AND the country!
h. Sent postcards to Association addresses found online:
Apartment Assoc, Asso of Mayors, Governors. (Handed these postcards to LB carriers, asking them to read it).
summary, i've done everything I could think of to fix the Post Office and point out that DeJoy's ploy has been in place for
years. Ever since he tricked his own brother out of the family business. (Dominick DeJoy VS Louis DeJoy North
Carolina 2000. I have NEVER been into politics until it was brought into my workplace.
am filing for Unemployment as "Insurance" should my retirement get redirected, lost, deleted, whateve Elon Musk
did, who knows? If I DO receive my retirement, I know I would have to pay back EDD which is why I applied for a Paper
Check. (I want to test it anyway, to see which departments use indeible ink; from reports I've taken those IRS checks
are pretty easy to "wash." Not all gel pens prevent that. For You: Use a
Pilot G2