TAKE FIVE:   These Five (5) minute video clips show how DeJoy has IGNORED the very humans he was hired to serve.  GET HIM OUT OF THE POST OFFICE now!  FINISH the investigation(s) on his companies New Breed, New Breed Logistics, LDJ "GLOBAL" Strategies (fyi DeJoy's wife is Pres of Institute of WORLD Politics <---- WHO is running the country?  Look up DeJoy, Wos, Estonia, blockchain voting <---- and the USPS blockchain voting patent!

Click to read full scoop re: DeJoy's background

When you don't receive a simple letter

BRAINSTORM:  Unless DeJoyless read my thought elsewhere and already changed the Federal Register (for example he outlawed Public Comments in 2024 and/but yet youtube.com/ThePrimeSpotcom went POOF in the middle of a night...).

PRESIDENT BIDEN CAN TEMPORARILY SUSPEND THE USPS BOARD OF GOVERNORS for Derelction of Duty ie. doing NOTHING to ensure USPS hired even 1 more Postal Police Officer, provided at least ONE Zip Code in America with a new set of

secure mail receptables requiring CODES (loike Amazon!  Let's put the Former Mrs. Bezos on the Temp Board of Governors along with BRENDA LAWRENCE (watch her on youtube grill Louis DeJoy and earlier vid Margaret Weichert, the Digitial Payment

Queen preent USPS as a business , perhaps the Foreclosure King (DeJoy's friend Steven Mnuchin who wants to control TikTokers digital income along with his "Investors or TikTok goes POOF just like youtube.com/ThePrimeSpotcom which last shared the

Temp Suspend the Board idea complete with 5 min vids of those retired Congress fighting to keep the PO as a low cost service to those getting and sending mail in the US! 

Steven Mnuchin states when Trump said in 2016 that the Post Office was a joke in 2016, DeJoy stated he had a Plan.  (Remember his asso Robert "Mike" Duncan signed the original 5 year Delivering for America plan in 2015 with former PMG Megan Brennan.  Mrs. DeJoy (Aldona Wos' horrice time at NC DHHS were she missent 49,000 medicaid cards and hired friends who were over paid - FBI interest in both - may have set things back for a bit.  Watch HER 3 min youtube video on Transparency ("Don't ask us questions.  Just let us work and you will see!"

"The only thing we'd like you to deliver...is your resignation."  - below
Where is the follow up on such a bold statement?




AT FIRST, I was so excited when DeJoy came aboard:  Never heard the name before as he was NOT from inside the post office.  Yeah!  A fresh new look at our operations from someone OUTSIDE the network.  So I thought!  He's been embedded throughout USPS for decades!


The first thing I saw was a TV commercial containing one of my oldest suggestions:  Same Day Delivery!  Quicker than 1 Day Express!  I was joyous and share the commercial that was uploaded to youtube with fellow carriers around the country Who Never Saw Same Day Express.  Shortly thereafter that youtube commercial (as well as a few other USPSTV videos disappeared.  (WHO is deleting USPS history?)

Turns out Same Day Express never came up on USPS.com's proce calculator EVER because it's only available via a biz account ie. no grandma's sending fresh bread across town.  The INTERESTING thing is, the NEW class of mail uspsconnect.com was REGISTERED just a few weeks before DeJoy was sworn in June 2020. 

One Page OIG Report on Louis DeJoy should be updated. LDJ Global Strategies wasn't on his asset list. DeJoy spoke AFTER this report at IWP.edu Mar 14, 2023

Impeach Donald J. Trump.  Trump was brought into politics in 2016 by Postmaster Louis DeJoy (before being appointed by Robert "China Mike" Duncan and the rest of the USPS Board) with fund raising felons Michael Cohen (law) and Elliott Broidy (public pensions).  WHY TRUMP?  His thick skin, obviously.

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