Google Mnuchin and DeJoy.  When Trump called the PO a joke, DeJoy turned to Mnuchin and said, "I have a Plan."  Did YOU know that the original Delivering for America plan was a 5 year plan signed off in 2015 by DeJoy's buddy Robert "Mike" Duncan?  BTW, please sign this MoveOn petition to remove DeJoy as Postmaster General.  I bought a catch url, making it easy to share:  

Click here to sign the Petition to Remove DeJoy

Click re: Exec Order 13829 switching USPS from essential affordable svc to a BIZ due to Mnuchin and Weichert's report to Trump.

Families like Mnuchin and DeJoys made "bank" in 2008 while most of the US lost everything.

Below:  Max Abelson is a Steve Mnuchin expert.   Oh Mnuchin prefers Steven not Steve.

Adding DeJoy's wife here.  Just shows the mentality of these people high up on the food chain.  After watching the Mnuchins, I just don't feel a "human" side to them whcih fits right in with Postmaster Louis DeJoy isnring Humans during the Last Mile. - KaRi 

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