"There are only 600 Postal Police." said Louis DeJoy (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
"CRAZY is doing/repeating the same thing, not doing a THING!  "    -      repeated by KaRi of nUSPS.com and facebook.com/StateoftheUSPS


Frank Albergo's PUBLIC COMMENTS have been deleted by a DeJoy Mole at GOOGLE's YOUTUBE.  My whole page youtube.com/ThePrimeSpotcom went POOF one day after sharing

Public Comments after a USPS Board  of Governors Meeting now OUTLAWED in 2024 by Postmaster Louis DeJoy!  <-- Notice changes to the Federal Register?! OPM and OMB Depts?!


The other youtube channel was a collection of Congress during Oversight and Homeland Security Questioning PMG DeJoy.  (Watch them all straight on youtube!  Search REP, DEJOY and look at the 5 minute clips to hear Representatives List the Human Experience with the PO since DeJoy's official arrival.The last video shared on both was Rep. Brenda Lawrence (retired USPS and now ret Congress) GRILL LOUIS DEJOY and separately MARGARET WEICHERT, Queen of Digital Payments who was "chosen" (by Whom?!) to Present the Post Office to Operate Like A Business (instead of a utility or non profit, or military?!).  I bet Steve Mnuchin, dubbed The Foreclosure King by Elizabeth Warren, was apart of that effort, maybe even the CEO's listed on the White House Press Release April 2020 that lists DeJoy and LDJ Global Strategies? - KaRi USPS Postal Employee almost 30 years.  Employment + Youtube Channels in A+  standing.

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