Science:  If it is 117 degrees OUTSIDE, how hot is it when a walking carrier returns to the "sweat box" I called it upon returning to the vehhicle after delivering a "swing"?  Will the new vehicles stay cool while closed, windows shut, baking in the sun?  Recent news suggest NOT  to have electric vehicles bake in the sun.
New vehicles should be HYBRID!  Get donated hand-me-downs from existing corporate fleets and with the $aving$, provide Letter Carriers with water, sunscreen and bullet proof vests.  Corporations can get tax breaks and go 100% Electric quicker!   
Test new vehicles for heat PLUS test it idling with 2 phones charging while carrier does rounds.  Will THAT cause a fire (like in older models)?

IDEA:  "Pass a law where ALL new vehicles must contain a U-turn blinker:  Add a 2nd double click to the left indicator signaling a U-turn which lights up a "U" in the front and back left blinkers."  -  KaRi and  I would like this idea on my epitaph.  Be safe my brothers and sisters.  This idea was submitted to DeJoy as soon as I heard his name, thinking USPS would be the 1st.  No reply, just like all of the Congress Members you can watch on youtube for 5 mins each ie.C-Span, youtube since 2020.  A DeJoy Mole deleted right after I shared Public Comments  now outlawed (by PMG DeJoy 2024) after USPS Board of Governor Meetings.  (Not to get off topic but someone should drive Biden to temp suspend the current board and replace with NOW retired 5 minute Reps!)

OSHkosh Defense Union workforce is asking why production will be moved out-of-state to non-union facilty.  We know DeJoy's prior co, New Breed Logistics (google any year prior to 2015) was anti-union.  Visit Dear NACL and APWU page.

New Vehicles should be HYBRID.  Why?  So, if there is a power outtage and vehicle is out of charge, the carrier can 1) use gas to get back to home base (imagine a carrier stranded with a frozen electrical battery in a Buffalo blizzard?  2) use gas to run heater 3) use gas to run air conditioner.  SAVE MONEY AND LIVES!


Also - I suggest AM radio just in case there is an emergency and carrier gets robbed of master postal keys and sometimes they'll take cell phone and scanner.... Search "carrier robbed" and "usps master key stolen" and even "postal vehicle stolen" ALL on youtube.

FIND ALL POSTAL NEWS ON YOUTUBE.  SEARCH "USPS" and your City or State and "News".





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