Click here for BUSINESS INSIDER article on the DeJoy/Wos family

Mrs. DeJoy is the "soft" power of the family.  Below is a selection of interesting videos.
The one on top describes Mr. & Mrs. common view of "transparency."  Get ready to laugh!
Aldona Wos resigned after the FBI looked into her hiring and overpaying church going friends. 

Did anyone with USPS know that  Postmaster General presented at Institute of World Politics March 14, 2023 where

his wife Aldona Wos is President?  No reply to the FOIA request.  It's been over a year and we are clueless still as of

the content.  Was DeJoy's "legal" m.o. of bonusing employees (he only answered about execs, NOT staff yet) for donating

to preferred political party shared?  (Look up his company, LDJ Global Strategies and the White House Press Release April 2020). 

She's onto me!  The video from, INSTITUTE OF WORLD POLITICS has been turned to private.  It contains Mrs. DeJoy, Aldona Wos interviewing NIKKI HALEY prior to leaving the Boeing Board due to poor quality.  Wos is current IWP President.  The JOKE is, Louis DeJoy's NewBreed was supplying fasters (nuts and bolts for Boeing - the same time he was making $$$ from postal contracts.  Same time USPS started selling off "metal" for scrap.  WHERE are all of our removed blue collection boxes?

You can read about the above video set on private. Maybe Nikki said something about BOEING that can be used in court right now in 2024!

BussFeed on Mrs. DeJoy

Where DO I find this stuff?  I've been verifying DeJoy's employment background since he we first heard his name May 2020 and I

haven't stopped since!  Now hold on for just one minute below, it gets real juicy when the Mrs. comes on!  LOL

Looky here!  NO LABELS (on every campus!) Pat McCrory pictured; Aldona Wos interview Nikki Haley before she left the Boeing Board due to 

substandard infrastructure (sidenote: DeJoy provided fasteners for Boeing 787 Dreamliner).  And look at DeJoy hiding behing his wife, yes

with President Bush the year before Bush MANDATED USPS PREfund benefits for employees not hired OR BORN yet!  From where did that idea stem? 

Wonder what the man below would say about my page.  HE was US Estonia Ambassador, now lives in Canada; Aldona Wos

was Estonian Ambassador and Trump nominated her for Canada but she FAILED to get it.  She is on White House Com 

The LINK to Estonia. Found this after looking up why Pres Bush and the country of GEORGIA. Bush impressed with Estonia's "e-governance" back in 2005.

add BEST video about ESTONIA

add the UPDATE to Adona's mismailing of 49k medicaid cards and status of current NC chaos TODAY!

add VIDEO where she describes herself as a Soft Power, moving troops for Bush.

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