To ALL Unions and Associations with paying members within USPS,


What is the status of Brenda Lawrence heading the replacement Board of Governors? 

 APWU Endorses Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence for the Postal Board of Governors | American Postal Workers Union


Why are you not requesting the USPS Board of Governors remove PMG for Creating A Hostile Work Environment?  Ignoring Humans from Clerks to Carriers to Customers during the Last Mile?


Taking Postal Police OFF of Street Patrol after USPS OIG Report released to the public that USPS has NO Master Key Control or Cap in Place.. Sending carriers out on the street during a hurricane?! (Hilary, Aug 20, 2023 North AND So California).  In BLIZZARDS (Boston and Buffalo, breaks in delivery service never added to service alerts).


According to the links below, DeJoy is NOT pro-union.  

Hiring non union truckers

Read about his prior company practices and lawsuits

Last Minute Changes, No Study, Affecting Lives of Workforce

Former USPS and Congress woman BRENDA LAWRENCE wanted on Board; Remove DeJoy still..

APWU what changed here?

Below you can learn how a company with UNION workers was awarded a contract (OSHkosh Defense is known for transporting military vehicles overseas) but after that, OSHkosh WI employees found that THEY weren't going to work it, a NON union location in South Carolina was... Representatives spoke at the last few USPS Board of Governor meeting Public Comments..  Below the video click to read an article about Louis DeJoy's "union" experiences.





Dear NALC and APWU Unions: 

 I did NOT contact either of you about this issue prior to now because I've been told before, I cannot be helped with senior mismanagement issues.  (See Chain of Command on

I Return to Work Wednesday, July 19, 2023.  Please find my Leave Buy Back request and buy back my leave used since April 17th.  I am NOT filing for any kind of Worker's Compensation and I am not retiring (see estimate; next November will be 30 years.  I was hired as a Part-Time Flexible and our unit was told our unit couldn't bid on full-time routes.   I FiNALLY became F/T Nov 2015 - Thank you, LinkedIn! but as you can see from my Retirement Estimate I'm sending to you today, no one can retire on that amount.

 Love/d my job, team, boss, concept of getting things from point A to B until I discovered many of DeJoy's actions that led to the dismantling and privitization of where I and many great, disgusted employees who retired or quit have worked for decades.  I never planned to retire but I was jerked around like my coworkers, I could fall back on being people's "Mail Agent" delivering The Last SMILE.  But PMG DeJoy ruined that - who wants to touch ANYone's mail if their identity is going to be stolen down the line. 

 Enclosed in my letter is also copy of a settled grievance regarding my back where I was to be "made whole" but the dates Nov 14, 2014 to Jan 6, 2016 do NOT make sense and I'm not going to sign a Federal document stating I want to be paid WHILE back to work (Nov 2, 2015 is when I started at the Call Center.   (Date of injury was March 22, 2013.  Note:  This grievance is NOT apart of the Class Action Lawsuit won this past March 2023 although perhpas you can assist my brothers and sisters with their payouts? ( 

 As a member of NALC,  I believe Louis DeJoy has created a hostile work environment ESPECIALLY for Letter Carriers and should be removed immediatley for that; delivering mail to the same exact compromised mailboxes doesn't make USPS look competent and misleads the public to believe their receptacles are safe.

As a member of APWU, please be aware that many Clerks may be experiencing a type of moral injury.  Withholding information, having to stick to a script that puts them in circles (telling them how to file a claim on their package when there is no coverage, NOT sharing prior caller from same zip code shared they heard the master key was stolen...

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