WHO put Margaret Weichert up to the task of presenting USPS run as a business instead of a Not-for-Profit.  Was it worth ruining her reputation I wonder?  Note:   Pres. Biden can simply temporarily suspend the current Board of Governnors, replacing them with retired (from USPS and Congress) BRENDA LAWRENCE and others who can then FIRE POSTMASTER GENERAL Louis DeJoy!

I am guessing this is the first place USPS employees In Search of Common Sense within the Post Office will check out!  -  Your Coworker

WWYD:  I've been asking this question for decades, beofre the TV show.  "What would YOU do?"  


When you ask yourself this, Common Sense arises.


Try it.  I will list a problem, then since TPS is all about The Perfect Solution, write a suggestion below it, then the ACTION USPS takes.


1.  Mail theft (with duplicate key) from blue collection boxes (a retired VA employee calls this The Golden Key) OR by "fishing" letters and light packages from the opening.

TPS:  Change the master lock (or install code program Amazon uses?) for employee access, change location to mailbox so a site that has 24/camera, and follow suit of Long Beach CA (hammering opening to a slit, adding "teeth" on inside preventing fishing ie.I've found slushees, trash, firecrackers, dirty diapers, neatly packaged in my case).

USPS:  Use the same boxes in the same locations.  Continue to remove boxes BECAUSE... the mail count Letter Carriers perform during these periods/starting of theft results in LESS MAIL VOLUME deposited - or found! - in the mailboxes.   So, the solution is to REMOVE THE BOX(ES)  ?! LoL  Ha Ha HA Can You Believe This ?  Where is the Common Sense?   HOW Does Not Preventing Theft and Fraud SAVE the Post Office Money, DeJoy?! 


2.  Record amount of fraudulent postage.  Stamp Expert Caj Breitfus can easily spot sheets produced in China, sold on reputable websites, sent through US mail plus other fake postage, how come USPS Employees (like me - I was a carrier!) have never been trained on this?


TPS:  Train ALL Employees especially Mail Handlers, Clerks and Carriers what Fake Postage Looks, feels and Smells Like.  Currency, including Postal Money Orders as well.  EVERY postal worker knows or is related to a buyer, seller, sender or receiver, correct?  Information is Power - and Loss Prevention (a topic Louis' son Andrew's youtube page spotlit but he took the videos down after I begged him to do a video on the "Glass Steagall Act" or Repeal of and how it affected the DeJoy family business, New Breed Logisitcs and if he could ask his Uncle Dominic for the mail theft report against his brother Louis).


USPS:  Finally release statements about fake postage after the public learns from News Reports; leave this to USPS Postal Inspection which have an even heavier load because the Postal Police who USED to be on street patrol where criminals are competing for YOUR mailbox contents (google Frank Albergo).


3.  Record amount of Letter Carriers Attacked and USPS Masters Keys Stolen.


TPS:  Paid training to all employees in CPR and First Aid, Self Defense - imagine black belts in martial arts of choice INSTEAD of sixsigma - and also Mass Shootings.  Put 360 cameras atop each postal vehicle.  Have disabled worker sitting at home be The Driver for the person delivering (who can also keep Watch and vehicle warm/cool).  This would assist in Delivering Letters and Mail together at one stop...  Driver ensures hydration for both.  PUT POSTAL POLICE BACK ONTO STREET PATROL.


USPS:  Postmaster Louis DeJoy, just NOW after ignoring humans and the Congress members who represent them FINALLY spoke like an expert about key theft May 17, 2023 to Oversight, "They are sold on the dark web for &7, 000 dollas..."  Well you may be from LonG island but I'm from Brooklyn ova daya and you know what?  From East to West, North and South, it is apparent, even without transparency at THIS POINT realize the seeds of mistrust you have placed throughout postal operations.  For this, you need to be fired.  For Creating A Hostile Work Environment.

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